EoSens® Creation – first Mikrotron Smart Camera
High-speed, streaming and open platform camera with the capability to process data rates of up to / – ? No way … till now. Mikrotrons innovative Creation series changes the situation.
Faster industrial processes require fast machine vision systems and high-speed imaging. The related data rate has to be processed by high performance vision PC, mostly equipped with frame grabber, sometimes with additional GPU. No way to process these huge data rates in real-time in a camera.
Mikrotron now closes this gap with the first high-speed camera EoSens® Creation 2.0XGE as open platform concept. It provides embedded capabilities in a high performant FPGA, which allows to process up to 5GB/s of image data in real-time and directly at the camera source. Resulting data can be transmitted via a standard 10GigE interface.
This solution-oriented approach offers for all high-speed applications in this range the opportunity to get more performance, higher integration level, better data balancing and additionally reduces the cost of the machine vision system.
For more information visit https://mikrotron.de/en/products/machine-vision-cameras/creation-series
Link zur Quelle / YouTube.com